Festival of Lights: A Firework Celebration.

This has been one of the most amazing summer’s I’ve spent abroad.  While I’m still looking for work, I’m always up for a new adventure and experiencing all that Vancouver has to offer.  I’m constantly surprised by all the events that were held in the city since being here!! This time its the Festival of Lights celebration! 


The crowds of people on a tiny beach at English Bay! 

The Festival of Lights is a sight to see and definitely an experience to remember!! Held in English Bay every year on the last weekend of July/beginning of August and hosted by different countries. This year it was held by the US, France and Japan.  The fireworks last for 25 minutes, but it’s an all day event as there are bands playing on the beach. It’s a great way to spend a weekend on a beach with friends just having fun! When the sun set, everyone was greeted by some pretty amazing views of the mountains and the ocean.

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The sun setting over English Bay, and the moon came out!!!

The first firework display was held by the US.  I was a little disappointed by the US display as it kept stopping and starting and the music that was played with it wasn’t really in tune with the fireworks.  There wasn’t much bang to this display and it ended relatively early.  The second firework display was held by France and this was much better as they ACTUALLY played french music with the fireworks!! There was more bang and definitely a lot more colourful and smoky! Japan held the last display but as my parents arrived in Vancouver, we didn’t see the point in heading to English Bay to see the fireworks as it was a little too crowded.  Japan though had by FAR, THE most colourful display of fireworks! We could see them from my brother’s balcony. It was a great way to introduce my parents to their visit of Canada! 

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Some photos of the firework displays held at English Bay 

This is just really a short post, but definitely would tell people to go see the Fireworks display next year! Don’t know who’s hosting it though but it’s an event to remember with the right friends and a few drinks on the beach!! 

Until next time folks! 

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